Safety Data

To view the summaries of the safety documents so far performed on American Biotech Labs products click here.

Contained in these documents is information about the original laboratory statements, along with lab identification of researchers and technicians who performed the studies and protocols employed therein.

There is no other manufacturer of commercially available nutritional supplement silver preparations that have prepared such a high level of credible research into the safety and efficacy of their products. What you may find in fact, is that most manufacturers haven’t performed any research. If they have then you should ask to see it.

Hydrosol Silver Solution, Argyria and Risk

Argyria is a condition that causes graying of the skin’s colour. It is a non-toxic condition, only cosmetic in its nature and the discolouration is permanent, in most cases. Argyria is the result of silver salt compounds being extremely misused. American Biotech Labs’ silver products are not a salt and they are non-addictive and non-toxic.

What is the Cause of Argyria?

Extreme misuse of very strong silver solutions that consist of silver salts, silver arsphenamine, silver chloride, silver iodide and silver nitrate can all result in Argyria. These solutions were sold under various labels until 1975 and consisted of a range from 5-30% silver [50,000 – 30,000 ppm (parts per million)] (Federal Register, FDA-21CFR Part 310, pg. 53685).

Colloidal Silver Is Not Silver Salts

Certain individuals have mistakenly claimed that silver salts are colloidal silver products. The definition of ‘colloidal’ is a system where the particles are larger than molecules in size (while retaining their metallic identity) of one substance, suspended throughout a second substance.

American Biotech Labs’ silver products have finite particles of metallic silver are suspended within highly purified water. Silver salts are also easily dissolved in water, so therefore by their nature, they aren’t colloidal.

New And Old Products Are Different

There is no comparison between the old and new American Biotech Labs’ silver products. The new products have been proven to kill bacteria between 2.5-5ppm, while the old range is between 50,000-300,000ppm. This means that American Biotech Labs’ products are effective with 20,000-60,000 times less silver in the solution. The silver solutions by American Biotech Labs can effectively kill bacteria using thousands of times less silver – so the risk of any possible side effects are nearly all but eliminated. The main difference is that American Biotech Labs use a patented technology that produces a more useful product that can kill more bacteria with less solution.

The Cause Of Argyria Only Requires a Minimum Amount of Silver

Hill and Pillsbury in 1939 stated that, “…The ordinary clinical use of colloidal silver compounds practically never gives rise to any gross untoward effect other than argyria.” The minimum amount of silver that can cause argyria from the use of the silver compound (including salts) is 900mg, taken orally over one year. An individual would need to consume 380-8oz bottles of American Biotech Labs’ 10ppm Hydrosol Silver Solution product within one year to reach this level of silver intake.

The suggested adult dosage is ½ to 1 teaspoon, taken 1-3 times daily. An individual would need to consume over 50 times the normal adult dosage, every day for a year, to reach the lowest level known to cause argyria. EPA standards for the safest amount of silver you can consume in drinking water is 0.005 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day (EPA RED document, page 2, 4th paragraph).

For a normal sized adult this means consuming an ounce (6 tsp) of the 10 ppm Hydrosol Silver Solution every day for a 72 year lifespan, while still being in the safe limits as defined by the EPA. The EPA RED document for silver goes on to state on pages 3 of the 4th paragraph that “The EPA doesn’t anticipate the dietary exposure to these low levels of silver will be associated with any significant degree of risk”.

Independent vivo toxicity tests completed by American Biotech Labs on the Hydrosol Silver Solution showed that taking as much as 200 times the normal adult dosage or the equivalent of an adult consuming 32 full ounces of the 10ppm product at one sitting. The Hydrosol Silver Solution was found to be completely non-toxic to the test animals. Most adults who use the Hydrosol Silver Solution only use around 1-3 teaspoons a day.

Ingested Silver Absorption and Retention

Silver is mentioned in the EPA IRIS Report (Integrated Risk Information Systems) on page 5, 1st paragraph. This states that a number of tests were completed to test absorption and retention of ingested silver within a number of animals (including primates).

The test work showed that 90-99% of ingested silver was excreted on the second day after ingestion – and this was greater than the 99% excreted in less than a week.

All of the silver was taken out of the body in only 2 days. This indicates that silver doesn’t build up in the system when it’s consumed in small amounts.

Silver Levels That Are Historically Deemed Safe

There are various silver products that are used throughout the medical industry. Until the dawn of chemical antibiotics as they became known, around the 1940s, some of these very strong silver products were being used as antibiotics. Millions of people who used the concentrated silver products reported deaths and yet only 239 reported cases of generalised argyria (EPA Report ECAO-CIN-026, January 1991, page VI-3).

Within this same EPA report, Gaul and Staud (1935) suggested that taking 8 grams of silver arsphenamine, as administered by injecting 145,000 ppm strength, as a safe and total dose. It was also noted that the other authors suggested a safe total dose of 12-15 grams, based on their clinical experience.

Furchner et al (1968) stated that small amounts of silver didn’t build up in the primates’ system. For argument’s sake then, based on this criteria, every bit of ingested silver is retained in the body. If a person uses the American Biotech Labs’ 10ppm, Hydrosol Silver Solution with 2 teaspoons daily, followed with Gaul and Staud’s safe level of total silver usage (8 grams) it can be stated that it would take an individual 235.66 years of daily use at the rate of 2 teaspoons to achieve 8 grams total consumption (a level deemed as safe).

Silver Has Been used To Kill Bacteria – And Almost Everyone Has Used It

Nearly every single person born within the United States within the last 80 years has been treated with a silver product when they were born. Silver is so safe and effective at killing bacteria that newborns even pick it up in their eyes as they come through the birth canal. At one point it was even mandated by law that it was safe to be used in clinics and hospitals

Using Prescription Antibiotics Vs Hydrosol Silver

Using prescription antibiotics, unlike silver can be extremely dangerous. In various cases death can be the end result and this is a serious and permanent side effect. In JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) there is an article published in December 2000 where Barbara Starfield estimated there were approximately 106,000 deaths caused annually by properly administered antibiotics. This doesn’t include the deaths caused by antibiotic usage where the antibiotics were incorrectly prescribed. From 2000 there were no reported deaths caused by the use of silver products.

Can Hydrosol Silver Solution harm the helpful bacteria in the intestines?

Reports from individuals who have taken the SilverSol for an extended period of time show there is no negative gastro-intestinal side effects. The SilverSol solution had two different independent studies looking at probiotic bacteria. It was also found to have no negative effect on the good or ‘probiotic’ bacteria in both studies.


There is no comparison between the safety issue and usage between prescription antibiotics and silver products. Silver is very safe to use and even the EPA who controls and defines the safe levels of minerals used in water, either for drinking or human consumption recommend it. Small amounts of silver in water, when they are consumed on a daily basis have been found to pose no significant degree of risk. When an individual is constantly consuming (every day for more than a year), over 50 times the suggested daily dose of SilverSol, at 10ppm. Argyria is a non-toxic condition so there’s no possibility of an individual contracting it from the solution.

Non-Toxicity Test Work Summary:

To ensure the best and safest products, American Biotech Labs conducted independent laboratory tests to do a toxicology study on the Hydrosol Silver Solution. The test known as LD-50 test, was performed with the guidelines of the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA) Regulations, 16 CFR 1500.

The test work involved the solution being given to both female and male test rats. The solution was given to the rats at a dosage of 5g/kg, the equivalent of a 200 pound man taking 192 teaspoons of 4 full ounce bottles of the Hydrosol Silver 10ppm solution at any one time (1-2 teaspoons is the normal recommended adult daily dosage).

The researchers from the independent laboratory concluded that as a result of the test work, there was no mortality or significant evidence of toxicity observed within the test subjects. The test article (Hydrosol Silver Solution) was not considered toxic at a 5/kg dose when delivered orally in the test subjects.